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El Galeon Andalucia Tour & Deep Blue RHIB Dives

Wed, 02 Aug



A tour of the El Galeon Andalucia on the first day and then a day's diving off the club RHIB on the Scylla and the James Eagan Layne.

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El Galeon Andalucia Tour & Deep Blue RHIB Dives
El Galeon Andalucia Tour & Deep Blue RHIB Dives

Time & Location

02 Aug 2023, 12:00 – 04 Aug 2023, 01:30

Plymouth, Plymouth, UK


About the event

Galleon Andalucia + two dives.

This event is going to be held over two days due trying to squeeze two dives in and a tour of the El Galeón will simply feel rushed.

Day 1. (Evening of 2nd & 3rd August)

El Galeón Andalucía is the replica of the ship used by the Spanish during the XVI to XVIII centuries, in the maritime expeditions of discovery and inter-oceanic trade between Spain, America and the Philippines of the so-called fleets of the Indies. El Galeón will be moored within the Cattewater and visitors will be able to step aboard via a chartered tender, operated by the Mount Batten Ferry team, with fees for the crossing payable on the day.

The visit to the Galleon consists of a self-guided walking tour. Once on board, you are free to wander its decks, talk to the actual crew members (real sailors living on board), and contemplate dozens of interactive exhibits, videos, projections and historical documents. Photos are allowed.

Location: Visitoor Pontoon (Access to Ship is by Ferry from Barbican Landing Stage – Usual Ferry Fee Applies)

This tour costs €12.03 (yes euros) if booked directly, booking in advanced is necessary.

Tour start time :1500hrs

Then off to a local Youth hostel or Air BnB.

Day 2. (4th August)

A day out on the club RHIB or a local hard boat, to go and dive the HMS Scylla and JEL, both wrecks are no deeper than 25m, and the top of both wrecks are around 9-10m, so this dive is suitable for PADI AOW / OW if you be mindful of your bottom depth.


1) HMS Scylla

Max Depth Sea Bed: 23m Top of wreck : 9m Width:13m Length:113m

This is Europe’s first artificial diving reef. The wreck lies upright on a sandy sea bed.

There is much more marine life to fascinate the amateur naturalist and, in 2007, the sea fans settled so adding to the beauty of the reef. Scylla is excellent for photography.

There are some easy penetration points, but there is plenty to see on the outside.

2) SS James Eagan Layne (aka JEL)

Max Depth Seabed: 24m Depth to top of Wreck: 10m Length: 130m Date Lost: 21/03/1945

How lost: Torpedo hot.

The JEL was hit near the Eddystone reef and towed by Admiralty tugs towards Plymouth in an attempt to save as much cargo as possible. However, on her way back in the stern collapsed causing her to sink in Whitsand Bay, where she now rests in an upright position on a sandy seabed pointing north towards the shore. After the James Eagan Lane initially sunk her masts and funnel could be seen sticking out of the water, these have since been removed and can be seen on the seabed on the port side. A vast majority of he cargo was removed before she sank however some of her cargo can still be seen in parts of her 5 holds.

Easy entry to no 1 and 2 holds, which hold many railway rolling stock wheels. Fallen decking now covers the main engine. Along the port side are vast sheet of white anemones and dead man's fingers. The stern has broken off by No 5 hold and now lies southwest of the main wreck however the stern section is linked by a rope, which can be easily followed.

Charter: this is to be determined, but Aquanauts in Plymouth so have a skipper now, and have spaces for these days.

Costs: if a Charter is used circa £70 per diver for both wrecks, it would potentially be cheaper if a RHIB was used, but that depends on a Skipper from the Club and Someone willing to tow her.

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— Helen Keller

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